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SYNMIKRO Research Center
CryoEM of molecular machines
Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 14
35043 Marburg

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Join us!

The Schuller lab is a growing team with ambitious projects, your contribution will be essential. I like to express it the way polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton expressed it in 1913 when he recruited members for his legendary polar expedition to Antarctica:

Scientist “wanted for dangerous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, months of total darkness, constant danger. Safe return home doubtful. Honor and glory in case of success."

If you are not deterred and are still interested, you are welcome to contact me. Applications are welcome at any time.

We currently have openings for Bachelor- and Master projects in our lab!


We are looking for motivated PhD Students, please send an e-mail including a motivation letter and curriculum vitae to Jan Schuller (


Please enquire if you are interested in our research and are seeking a host laboratory for a postdoctoral fellowship application.

©2024 SchullerLab.

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